Tonya’s classes offer a warm space where an expectant mother is invited to move her body to release stress and tension, breathe deeply to connect with her growing baby, and gift her Self with the attention to expand her intuition.

Prenatal yoga alleviates common discomforts associated with pregnancy, while building strength, inner peace, and the meditative mind to support mom and baby through labor. It is also a deeply nourishing way to connect with other moms and share the journey, while preparing your body for labor and staying in shape.

As a certified Khalsa Way Prenatal Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Tonya offers public classes and private sessions to women throughout all stages of pregnancy. In developing a specially tailored yoga practice for mom and baby, you are gifted treasured moments to drop-in to your personal experience and feel the tremendous power as a woman to bring new life into the world.

Tonya also serves as a Birth & Postpartum Doula and Kundalini Yoga teacher.

Can’t come to class? I’ll come to you!


Looking for a personalized Prenatal experience? Don’t have time to make it to the studio? Interested in evening or weekend Prenatal Yoga?

Tonya offers private Prenatal Yoga classes from the comfort of your own home. Whether you’re a new mom seeking more one-on-one support, or have other children and various schedules to manage, private sessions offer self-care and convenience without the commute. This can be an incredible way to honor and consistently ground yourself amidst the growth. That, and there’s nothing like floating from deep relaxation straight to bed!

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